the suporn technique

April 14, 2008

~|Top & bottom images taken from Popol Coumou – lovelovelove it all

~|The human brain as we know it is about to die… the internet at 10,000 times the speed, coming soon.

~|Best music video of the moment –The Acorn’s ‘Flood Pt. 1’– much cooler than that silly bjork video thats getting so much attention

~|Motorized Monocylce…. yes please

~|Detail of a transsexual vagina… “this is genital origami a neovagina” {NSFW}

~|A canoe made from chopsticks, the perfect vessel to take on a trip over to the Pacific Garbage Patch (new link, with videos…)

~|For middle-to-lower class Vancouverites, Buddhist Monks, visiting upper-class Albertans, (after the bar), and bored Seattle WTO-alum who need to work off the lentil lovehandles: the 2010 Riot Clock

~|Pavarotti lipsynched his last performance…. here is the performance in question (**don’t take this for granted moment**: fucking youtube…)

~|Damn right… cookies are an addiction, not a sign of monstrosity

~|Bill Murray + RZA & GZA = YouTube now officially owning my life.

~|DMX: “What the fuck is a barack?!”; even more cracked-out than DMX are the comments on this interview.  Combined with last post’s Ukranian Tombstones, reading the comments on random internet finds has become my new favourite hobby.  It’s like people watching to the power of twelve… a glimpse of our collective madness, at least.

~|An article on the recently animated Billy Collins poems that have been making the rounds on YouTube… while the title of the article is ridiculous on multiple levels, the videos are a must-see…

~|How can we make the war in Iraq more eco-friendly?

~|Slug sex – the most surprisingly beautiful thing you’ll see today

~|I love that these are called desire paths…


~|Smile Detection: I’m pretty sure if this had showed up in a film I’d be laughing at its absurdity… reality trumps the nadirs of art once again

~|It makes fun of itself, but this shit definitely beats my ‘star chart’: Chore Wars.

~|If you don’t already know about it, read up on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is now twice the size of the United States.  Can I go claim ownership of this shit, or does it automatically belong to America?

|~Russian mafia tombstones

|~How far away from home could you go as a child?

|~Worlds worst intersections & traffic jams… some really beautiful images.

|~An interesting test: do you laugh at the feinting goat? Yes you do.

|~Like I need any more reasons to be classified as insane… or am I just a helpless infovore?

|~The best books about boredom.

|~Google Sky.

|~The encyclopedia of life.

|~Two good advertisements.

|~The Book-as-art all-stars.

|~First time novelist Carlos Amato on Oprah:

“Oprah is one of the most vicious, pernicious influences on the modern world. She’s injecting a psychosis into Western culture. There is no scale of moral weight behind what she does: one day she’ll be in Auschwitz, saying, ‘That’s the most terrible thing I’ve ever seen,’ and the next day she’ll be with a divorced mother in Idaho whose husband gave her a smack, saying: ‘That is the most terrible thing I’ve ever seen.’

And the next day she’s handing out Cadillacs to her gals, because she just wants to. Everything becomes just as important as everything else: it’s the ultimate post-modern revenge. Oprah terrifies the crap out of me.”

|~The theory of interstellar trade.


March 9, 2008

~|Idiom Shortage Leaves Nation all Sewed up in Horse Pies

~|25 brilliant animated short films

~|On crows & coins… the nonist is the most unique, consistently great blogger of ‘miscellania’ out there — way under appreciated.

~|Good, longer read: The Charms of Wikipedia

~|6 sweet building demolitions

~|The baby name voyager

~|A map of aboriginal Australia

~|Table of Condiments and the Condiment Packet Gallery

~|Fruits: Tastiest vs Easiest to Eat

~|And finally, for the ladies out there… a collection of interspecies friends.

either the world is dumb
or I am deaf

but perhaps
we are both
doomed to our afflictions

therefore we must
arm in arm
go blindly on
toward new horizons
toward contracted throats
from which rises
an unintelligible gurgle

Zbigniew Herbert, from “Voice,” 1957

is odie allowed?

February 29, 2008

~|The above is taken from Ricky Allman‘s brilliant portfolio

~|Hilarious, heartbreaking, existential profundity… words fail me…

Garfield minus Garfield

~|Name that colour

~|The ebb & flow of movie receipts… a really great infographic

~|The truth about autism

~|Top 10 crazy Asian pizza crusts… is it wrong to want the sweet potato mousse?

~|WNYC’s Amy Sedaris Googly Eye Craft Challenge

“Books, those voices through which the myriad lispings of the earth find perfect speech…”

|~Richard le Galliene

~|A hedgehog eating a kumquat

~|Music alert: best sounds of the year thus far coming from a completely unknown bedroom artist from New York? QUINN WALKER … The guy is sitting on something like 9 albums of music that definitely inches its way pretty close to absolute genius… he could be very huge and very important. Experimental and insanely melodic… toeing a similar line as the Animal Collective or The Dirty Projectors… though a lot more folky at times… throw in some completely whacked out experimentation with witty, unpretentious, and at times plainly ridiculous lyrics. Expect to hear more about him as the year goes on. Four albums have leaked thus far… dig and ye shall find? Or just go buy the albums Lion Land / Laughters An Asshole… you can grab it on iTunes too.

~|Been around for awhile, but beautiful — flight patterns.

~|Oy Vey! Coens to adapt the Yiddish Policeman’s Union — killer book… can’t wait.

~|Philosophy geeks only: what does Nietzsche mean to philosophers today?


~|David Denby has a great appreciation of the Coen brothers in the new New Yorker… though I must take exception to his comment that The Man Who Wasn’t There was a “dud academic exercise.” It definatley sits right at the top of my Coen list. Anyway, any writer who calls The Big Lebowski “a ballad held together by tenderness” is a winner in my book.

~|More proof that the geeks are harder drinkers than anyone else: the science tattoo emporium.

~|Deathly timewaste warning… netdiver’s best of 2007

~|521 chairs

picked from presleep prose

February 14, 2008

“…mostly we don’t let people know. Mostly we downplay the pleasure. Mostly we stress the anguish. We keep the pleasure to ourselves, in our hearts. Occasionally we may show a bit of it to someone–lift a corner on the veil, as it were. But we only do that in order to certify the pleasure to ourselves. Full disclosure is almost unheard of.”

– Donald Barthelme, The Dead Father

veggie stew?

February 10, 2008

|~The Cloud Appreciation Society

~|Noah K has taken a picture of himself every day since 2000 and posted it online.

~|10 Disasters that could end the world at any moment…

~|Just for Chinese New Year… beware of the Rat King

~|The poet laureate of the United States, Charles Simic, on the country’s decline in reading

Poetry doesn’t need much promotion. It is doing quite well in this country. I gave a reading the other night in Concord, N.H., with two former poet laureates — Donald Hall and Maxine Kumin —and 740 people came. That’s a lot of people!

And how many people watched Lost? Naw… poetry doesn’t need promotion…

Someone with some much more intelligent things to say about the matter: Ron Silliman. Part 2.

~|Too addictive: the Amazing Fact Generator.

~|Priceless headline… geez — those American cops will will use just about any excuse to arrest a black guy, eh?

~|Australia is celebrating Valentines Day by finally issuing an apology to their Aborigines.

Pavement’s overrated

February 5, 2008

~|Good resource: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosiphy


~|Upcycling I can definitely get behind…

~|And how about the melody road? This somehow combined with the previous link could lead to a lotta’ Asian road-rage I think…

~|Free short fiction online by Tao Lin and others: bear parade.

~|Reconstructed skeletons of cartoon characters using real animal bones… I need to see the Ninja Turtles…

~|Great stuff… Words Without Borders has its second graphic fiction issue… get yer international comic on… what would Tin Tin think?